Monday, June 16, 2008

One of those days!

This is just one of those days when everything goes right! My kids have done what they're supposed to do. They've eaten right. They're napping at the same time (without a big scream fest). Jake actually took his good long morning nap, too. They've been so sweet to each other. We played hard today. It feels good to feel good. I got to do the airplane with them on my legs. I threw in a few crunches for fun while flying them through the air. Josie sang beautiful songs to Jesus! She was a princess, Hannah Montana, a Lady (cashier), and a Mommy. We pretended all morning. Jake crashed trucks and hid from me. He ran through the house while I chased him and he chased me. We read books and laughed until we cried! It's just been one of those days! I'm very thankful to my God for giving me this life and I wouldn't trade it for anything!


Jill said...

makes you glad to be alive...good pure joy, that is what it is girl.I am thrilled you are better,we've been praying, it's good to hear the results.

Denise said...

sounds like one awesome day. Wish we had more of those!! You deserve to have a day like that!

lori said...

That is good news sister friend

Nana Net said...

I am so happy to hear you are doing great! And the kids too. I miss you all terribly bad! But am glad you all had an awesome day. Sending my prayers and blessings to you all!

Love, Aunt Nana Net

P. S. THANKS for checking on Daddy too! I just loved hearing the excitement in his voice talking about ya'lls visit and all. You all are special my dear... Muah....

Leslie said...

I love days like that! I am looking forward to the day that Raleigh and Hudson can play together like Jake and Josie...

Deborah said...

ohh, i love good days like that too...hope tomorrow is the same way girlie!!