Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Beach!

We got to go to Melbourne beach for a 3 night stay at the Double Tree! Joey's daddy hooked us up with some Hilton points! Thanks for that one Pa! So here is a pictorial journey through the long weekend.

Josie and Jake after arriving at the beach. Of course we intended on leaving by 3:00, but no such thing happened..... You'll notice it's dark in this picture :)

Here's the kiddos and Daddy at Ron Jon's Surf Shop! I've never been. The kids really enjoyed it. Josie's sportin some beads she picked for Gigi and her very own cool rays. Please take note of Josie's stance. Jake's got his super high bouncy ball.

The Cannon's came Saturday for a day trip. Jake and Josie LOVED being with them. The waves at this beach were c-razy rough. So they kind of waded at the shore....often getting knocked down by the waves. Jake and Connor would just get up and say something about how fun it was. Yeah, real fun to get smacked down by a big ole heavy wave. Not so much for this little mama. Jake's the one on the right looking like he's about to dive in.

Here's Jakey at the pool (without his floaties)! He's so stinkin brave. I'm afraid he may be one of those adrenaline junkies one day! Heavens, I pray not. Anyway, every time he'd jump in to swim to Joey he'd say Janaminioes! It was supposed to be Geronimo. :) He did that over and over and over and over. The next day Josie got brave and decided she wanted Mommy to learn her how to swim like Daddy does Jake. So, I learned her!

My little surfer dude posing!

Josie would get blobs of sand and call them "puffer knuckles". She'd just drop them and smile. There were tons of those little treasures all around. Who needs a sea shell??

Jake's sweet innocent smile here! You see it? As I was taking the picture he was taking his sister's juice box thinking I wouldn't notice. The smile gave it away.

My girl...always posing. Seriously, it cracks me up. I had like 10 of these shots to choose from. She'd be like, take this one. Wait, do it like this. No, over here. Aw man, she's too much.

Our first day out. The water was c-c-c-c-old!

Our last day there! I told them to get together so I could take their picture. This is what I got! Perfect I tell ya!

All the way there Josie says the infamous, "Are we there yet?" We hadn't even gotten past Irby when the questioning began. Jake was pretty quiet. He's a good traveler, but he should be....he owes us!
The first night they were so excited to get to share a bed. However, Jake kept bothering Josie. I know it's almost impossible to believe, but he did. :) She'd say, "Stop hitting me Jaaaaakkkkeee!" He'd say, "I not hit you Jos. I touchin you!"
The first morning after the hullabulu of sunscreen, going potty, swimmers, suits, hair, packing, snacks, etc. We were stepping out the door when Jake blew chunks. YUCK! It was literal chunks. He'd had fruit loops and sausage for breakfast. He just wiped his mouth and said, "C'mon. I wanna go to da beach." After some much needed clean up we headed down.
The elevator was the biggest hit! They took turns pushing buttons.
Our last night there we let the kids pick where to eat. Of all the places they begged for the Waffle House! Can't take Sumter county out of them I guess!
We really had a wonderful time. And no one burned! :)

Friday, July 3, 2009

The Bible says....

Look at this boy in his Daddy's hat! He thought he was so cool. Check out the rain boots. Jake calls them his work boots. What kind of job does he plan on having??? This has nothing to do with the blog. I just thought it was cute.

Jake and Josie have been saying some pretty funny things lately. They're always coming up with something to make me laugh. Here are a few....

"Da Bible says don't drive your monster truck backwards!" This happened when I was playing trucks with him on his ramp. We used to have a basket and 2 books that made up a ramp. (See picture above). Not anymore. Thanks to Aaron we have an official monster truck ramp. (Picture to come soon). I was trying to show him some cool moves by doing the truck backwards when he came up with this scripture that I knew nothing about. According to Jake God's pretty adamant about only going forward. :)

When Joey hasn't shaved in a day or so he rubs Joey's chin and says, "Daddy, you gots ants on you face?"

Almost every morning Jake runs into our room crying. The other morning he came in and yelled, "Hey mom. I not crying. Will you make me milk?" I say it's still dark outside. He says, "Ok, can I lay wif you daddy? I need to kiss you." Guess who got up with Jakey??


Tonight in the car on the way home from my Paw Paw's 82nd birthday party Jake's being Jake. Josie wanted the car quiet. Joey and I were good for that, but Jake kept making all these noises. Surely he wasn't doing it just to bother his sister. So Josie says, "Mommy, Jake is making me crazy. I'm bout to get mad at him and I really don't want to!" Joey cracks up laughing mumbling something like you are your mother's child.

About a week ago Josie busts out with, "Mommy, I want to die!" I'm freaking out like Holy Canoly what kind of 4 year old says something like that. My hearts racing. I'm trying to come up with some Word from the Lord. Then she continues with, "Did you tell me that there will be lots of candy in heaven? And God will let me have as much as I want?" I'm feeling better now because I can see where this is going. I tell her yes because when she gets to heaven she'll have no tummy aches. So she can have all the candy her little heart desires. At least that's what I'm hoping for myself :0) I let her know that she can have candy here too and she doesn't need to go on to the sweet by and by for some Airheads. That resolved it! She now wants to live!!!